In general, USB wireless adapter is ethernet compatible. In managed mode, you can only capture ethernet frames(not 802.11 frames).

Screenshot from 2017-05-26 22-34-39.png

If you would like to see 802.11 frames generated by the ethernet wireless adapter(wlan0). Execute the following command.

iw dev wlan0 interface add mon0 type monitor

ifconfig mon0 up

# create adapter
iw dev wlan0 interface add mon0 type station


# change into monitor mode

ifconfig mon0 down

iwconfig mon0 mode monitor

ifconfig mon0 up

You can see a virtually created monitor mode adapter named mon0.

Screenshot from 2017-05-26 22-36-12.png

If you capture mon0 interface using wireshark, you can see your own 802.11 frames not ethernet frames(an access point is an open mode).

Screenshot from 2017-05-26 22-37-23.png


Also, you can delete that interface using the following command.

iw dev mon0 del