When you

1. use C++ STL library(list, vector, map, and so on).

2. make your own template library

3. use their objects as global or static

you want to know when the object is created, accessed, deleted and copied.

Here is a good sample class code named "VMyInt"(wrapper class for int primitive type).

Using VMyInt class, you can figure out easily how the object is accessed.

[Source Code]

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vdream Component Suite version 8.0
// http://www.gilgil.net
// Copyright (c) Gilbert Lee All rights reserved
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operators_in_C_and_C%2B%2B

#ifndef __V_INT_H__
#define __V_INT_H__

#include <stdio.h>   // for vsprintf
#include <stdarg.h>  // for va_list
#include <stdlib.h>  // for malloc

#ifdef WIN32
// #pragma warning( disable : 4100 ) // gilgil temp 2012..5.20
#endif // WIN32

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VInt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class VInt
  int _i;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Constructor and destructor
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  VInt()                                 { D("%p VInt::VInt()\n",              this);               _i = 0;                                  } // A a      : Default constructor
  VInt(const VInt& b)                    { D("%p VInt::VInt(VInt& %d) %p\n",   this, b._i, &b);     _i = b._i;                               } // A a(b)   : Copy constructor
  VInt(const int i)                      { D("%p VInt::VInt(int %d)\n",        this, i);            _i = i;                                  } // A a(i)   : Conversion constructor
  ~VInt()                                { D("%p VInt::~VInt() %d\n",          this, _i);                                                    } // delete a : Destrutor

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Arithmetic operators
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  VInt& operator = (const VInt& b)       { D("%p VInt(%d)::= (VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); _i = b._i;            return *this;      } // a = b : Basic assignment
  VInt  operator + (const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::+ (VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); VInt res(_i + b._i);  return res;        } // a + b : Addition
  VInt  operator - (const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::- (VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); VInt res(_i - b._i);  return res;        } // a - b : Subtraction
  VInt  operator + () const              { D("%p VInt(%d)::+ ()\n",            this, _i);           VInt res(_i);         return res;        } // +a    : Unary plus
  VInt  operator - () const              { D("%p VInt(%d)::- ()\n",            this, _i);           VInt res(-_i);        return res;        } // -a    : Unary minus
  VInt  operator * (const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::* (VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); VInt res(_i * b._i);  return res;        } // a * b : Multiplication
  VInt  operator / (const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::/ (VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); VInt res(_i / b._i);  return res;        } // a / b : Division
  VInt  operator % (const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::% (VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); VInt res(_i % b._i);  return res;        } // a % b : Modulo
  VInt& operator ++()                    { D("%p VInt(%d)::++()\n",            this, _i);           _i++;                 return *this;      } // ++a   : Prefix increment
  VInt  operator ++(int)                 { D("%p VInt(%d)::++(int)\n",         this, _i);           VInt res(_i); _i++;   return res;        } // a++   : Suffix increment
  VInt& operator --()                    { D("%p VInt(%d)::--()\n",            this, _i);           _i--;                 return *this;      } // --a   : Prefix decrement
  VInt  operator --(int)                 { D("%p VInt(%d)::--(int)\n",         this, _i);           VInt res(_i); _i--;   return res;        } // a--   : Suffix decrement

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Comparison operators/relational operators
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  bool  operator ==(const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::==(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b);                       return _i == b._i; } // a == b : Equal to
  bool  operator !=(const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::!=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b);                       return _i != b._i; } // a != b : Not equal to
  bool  operator > (const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::> (VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b);                       return _i >  b._i; } // a > b  : Greater than
  bool  operator < (const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::< (VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b);                       return _i <  b._i; } // a < b  : Less than
  bool  operator >=(const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::>=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b);                       return _i >= b._i; } // a >= b : Greater than or equal to
  bool  operator <=(const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::<=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b);                       return _i <= b._i; } // a <= b : Less than or equal to

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Logical operators
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  bool  operator ! () const              { D("%p VInt(%d)::! ()\n",            this, _i);                                 return !_i;        } // !a     : Logical NOT
  bool  operator &&(const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::&&(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b);                       return _i && b._i; } // a && b : Logical AND
  bool  operator ||(const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::||(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b);                       return _i || b._i; } // a || b : Logical OR

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Bitwise operators
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  VInt  operator ~ ()              const { D("%p VInt(%d)::~ ()\n",            this, _i);           VInt res(~_i);        return res;        } // ~a     : Bitwise NOT
  VInt  operator & (const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::& (VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); VInt res(_i & b._i);  return res;        } // a & b  : Bitwise AND
  VInt  operator | (const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::| (VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); VInt res(_i | b._i);  return res;        } // a | b  : Bitwise OR
  VInt  operator ^ (const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::^ (VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); VInt res(_i ^ b._i);  return res;        } // a ^ b  : Bitwise XOR
  VInt  operator <<(const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::<<(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); VInt res(_i << b._i); return res;        } // a << b : Bitwise left shift
  VInt  operator >>(const VInt& b) const { D("%p VInt(%d)::>>(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); VInt res(_i >> b._i); return res;        } // a >> b : Bitwise right shift

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Compound assignment operators
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  VInt& operator +=(const VInt& b)       { D("%p VInt(%d)::+=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); _i += b._i;           return *this;      } // a += b  : Addition assignmentf
  VInt& operator -=(const VInt& b)       { D("%p VInt(%d)::-=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); _i -= b._i;           return *this;      } // a -= b  : Subtraction assignment
  VInt& operator *=(const VInt& b)       { D("%p VInt(%d)::*=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); _i *= b._i;           return *this;      } // a *= b  : Multiplication assignment
  VInt& operator /=(const VInt& b)       { D("%p VInt(%d)::/=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); _i /= b._i;           return *this;      } // a /= b  : Division assignment
  VInt& operator %=(const VInt& b)       { D("%p VInt(%d)::%=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); _i %= b._i;           return *this;      } // a %= b  : Modulo assignment
  VInt& operator &=(const VInt& b)       { D("%p VInt(%d)::&=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); _i &= b._i;           return *this;      } // a &= b  : Bitwise AND assignment
  VInt& operator |=(const VInt& b)       { D("%p VInt(%d)::|=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); _i |= b._i;           return *this;      } // a |= b  : Bitwise OR assignment
  VInt& operator ^=(const VInt& b)       { D("%p VInt(%d)::^=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); _i ^= b._i;           return *this;      } // a ^= b  : Bitwise XOR assignment
  VInt& operator <<=(const VInt& b)      { D("%p VInt(%d)::<<=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); _i <<= b._i;         return *this;      } // a <<= b : Bitwise left shift assignment
  VInt& operator >>=(const VInt& b)      { D("%p VInt(%d)::>>=(VInt& %d) %p\n", this, _i, b._i, &b); _i >>= b._i;         return *this;      } // a >>= b : Bitwise right shift assignment

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Member and pointer operators
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // R&   operator [](const T2& b)                                                                                                             // a[b]  : Array subscript
  // R&   operator *()                                                                                                                         // *a    : Indirection ("object pointed to by a")
  // VInt* operator & ()                    { D("%p VInt(%d)::& ()\n",            this, _i);                                 return this;    } // &a    : Reference ("address of a")
  // R*   operator ->()                                                                                                                        // a->b  : Structure dereference ("member b of object pointed to by a")
  // N/A                                                                                                                                       // a.b   : Structure reference ("member b of object a")
  // R    operator->*(R)                                                                                                                       // a->*b : Member pointed to by b of object pointed to by a
  // N/A                                                                                                                                       // a.*b  : Member pointed to by b of object a

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Other operators
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // R    operator ()(Arg1 a1, Arg2 a2, …)                                                                                                     // a(a1, a2)               : Function call
  // R&   operator ,(R& b) const                                                                                                               // a, b                    : Comma
  // N/A                                                                                                                                       // a ? b : c               : Ternary conditional
  // N/A                                                                                                                                       // a::b                    : Scope resolution
  // N/A                                                                                                                                       // sizeof(a), sizeof(A)    : Size-of
  // N/A                                                                                                                                       // alignof(A), _Alignof(A) : Align-of
  // N/A                                                                                                                                       // typeid(a), typeid(A)    : Type identification
  operator int() const                   { D("%p VInt::int(%d)\n",             this, _i);                                 return _i;         } // (type)a                 : Cast
  void* operator new(size_t x)           { void* res = malloc(x); D("%p VInt::new(%d)\n", res, x);                        return res;        } // new A                   : Allocate storage
  void* operator new[](size_t x)         { void* res = malloc(x); D("%p VInt::new[](%d)\n", res, x);                      return res;        } // new A[n]                : Allocate storage (array)
  void  operator delete(void* p)         { D("%p VInt::delete\n",              p);                  free(p);                                 } // delete a                : Deallocate storage
  void  operator delete[](void* p)       { D("%p VInt::delete[]\n",            p);                  free(p);                                 } // delete[] a              : Deallocate storage (array)

#ifdef _DEBUG
  static void D(const char* fmt, ...)
    static const int BUF_SIZE = 4096;
    char  buf[BUF_SIZE];
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, fmt);
    #ifdef __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
      int len = vsprintf_s(buf, BUF_SIZE, fmt, args);
      int len = vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
    #endif // __STDC_WANT_SECURE_LIB__
    if (len != -1) printf("%s", buf);
#else // _DEBUG
  static void D(const char* fmt, ...)
    (void)fmt; // Q_UNUSED(fmt);
#endif // _DEBUG

#endif // __V_INT_H__



vint.h (2013.09.26) : class name changed from VMyInt into VInt.